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What is Team Coaching?

Team Coaching elevates workplace culture by enhancing communication, fostering growth, and building trust. It promotes collaboration, empowers employees, and fosters resilience, transforming the environment into a collaborative, positive space.

Team Coaching works by firstly connecting and getting to know the team and help them begin to understand the internal & external dynamics and the priority areas they want to work on. Then, co design a purpose or an opening theme for team coaching. The coach supports the team in having the conversations they need to address those issues. 

Measurements of the impact of coaching consistently show a high return on investment from successful creation of a coaching culture within the team. Creating a coaching culture in the team has been shown to have significant positive impact upon:

  • Individual and team performance
  • Retention of talent
  • Motivation and employee engagement
  • Creativity
  • Customer service
  • Communication within the team and with other teams
  • Knowledge transfer and retention

Coaching includes option for a Co Coach. This is highly recommended to to capture team awareness across the development cycle, and to share the load particularly for larger teams. The array of a Co Coach also creates different voice, proven to elevate engagement and learning. Chris has a specific Co Coach partner selected for skills alignment and diversity of experience.

Sessions are 90 -180 mins and delivered through face / face, hybrid (combination of in the room and online) or fully online.

One On One Coaching

One on one coaching creates a personalised and confidential environment for coaching individuals and is offered as part of Team Coaching. One on one coaching may also be offered to Clients outside of Team Coaching engagements.

Coaching focusses on need and desire at hand in context of; personal mindset challenges, leadership development, performance / growth development, attitudinal shift.

One on one coaching entails:

  • Three month initial committment
  • Use of diagnostic tools where appropriate
  • Weekly or fortnightly session intervals
  • 30 or 60 min session duration options
  • Coaching agreement compliant to ICF guidelines
  • 30 & 90 Day calibrations

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