What exactly is coaching?

Coaching is, in essence, listening and asking questions. Listening to understand, clarify then asking questions to create insights for the coachee or team. Insights to lift self awareness and possibilities to build the pathway to deliver on the purpose or goals of coaching.

Will you tell me what to do?

No. At all times the Client has full agency and authority for decisions. This is a popular misconception of coaching. Effective coaching is never instructional.

What kind of coaching do you do?

Chris is a mindset coach. He does not tag himself “business coach” “results coach” as this is entirely self limiting. He favours a narrative style of enquiry and coaching, one with minimal problem talk, that is solutions and future focussed. The style and approach is a combination of his personal exposure to being coached himself, trainings, and what is effective for the coachee or team at hand.

What areas do you focus on in business?

This is fluid based on the business, relative challenges and opportunities to hand. Chris has experience of:

  • The development of leaders at all levels of and within the organisation. From Executive and Management teams through mid tier to front line, 
  • Development of mindset strategies and tools for addressing negative inner dialogue, lifting confidence and self empowerment,
  • Team dynamics, connection and performance through team coaching.

How long does coaching last?

For both one on one coaching and team coaching, the answer to this question is: it depends.  The duration is as long as it takes to deliver on purpose of the connection and / or what this evolves into during the coaching period. Coaching tenures have been between three months and over two years. 

Is there any paperwork involved?

Yes, a standard agreement (Coaching Supply Agreement). 

How does coaching work?

First, we connect to explore a connection. The conversation explores building rapport, values alignment and possibilities relating to the challenges and opportunities in the organisation. If we are connected, mutually, the next step is defining the most suitable and workable option for the Client. 

What long is a coaching session?

One on One Coaching: Coaching is contained within thirty to sixty minute sessions, either face to face or online. Some sessions may be shorter, some longer. The duration is not a straight jacket, it is a guidepost. 

Team Coaching: Ninety minutes to three hours. The session follows a proven formula geared at focusing dialogue on a particular theme to raise awareness and shift mindsets. Then, committing to growth opportunities following the session.

Is there homework?

Yes, in the sense of taking action in accordance with what has been clarified as being most important / valuable in the coaching session. New actions aligned to the development pathway rewire the brain. We learn through new action, feedback then asking what worked? What is next? How can we adapt? Without action there is no data for the following coaching session.

Where do we do coaching?

Your office, my home office, in a quiet cafe, in the environment. We coach in the place that fits us best. 

How much does coaching cost?

Again, this depends. The fees for coaching are based on a number of variables. For example, the scale and status of the individual or organisation, the program design i.e. does coaching include use of special tools. Team coaching may include a Co Coach too. 

How does coaching come to an end?

Typically, coaching completion is when the purpose of coaching is complete. It is very important to avoid any codependency in the relationship which may inhibit the Client or team growth. Rarely, the coach discontinues coaching should the coachee not comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement. For example with regard to their responsibilities.

What is a starting point for me to define my and / or my team coaching needs are hazy? 

Book your initial connection with Chris here: https://connectwithchris.youcanbook.me/ to explore evaporating your haziness. Clarity is key, and clarity will set you free too.

What are Chris’s coaching credentials and testimonials?

For testimonials / recommendation see home page here https://coachingchristaylor.com For career history / resume see https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-taylor-569b8631/

Your question is not here?  

Awesome. Chris LOVES questions. Email Chris at winninghabitsnz@gmail.com or call / WhatsApp 021 708 751.

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